Hoy ha hecho su viaje a la Casa del Señor nuestro Querido Compañero, Doctor Paul Oquist Kelly, que sirvió al Pueblo, a las Familias, a tod@s l@s nicaragüense, con Amor, Fidelidad, Compromiso y Valentía infatigables.

Celebramos la Vida de Paul, agradecid@s al Señor, porque nos permitió contar con su Inteligencia Especial, con su Visión Fraternal, con su Propuesta de Justicia y Derechos para nuestro Pueblo y para los Pueblos del Mundo; con ese insuperable dominio de las Relaciones Internacionales, de los Organismos, que conocía tan bien, y con los que nos relacionaba de manera profunda y extraordinaria.

Celebramos la Vida y el Ejemplo de Paul, sabiendo que nos deja su Fuerza, su Energía, su Espíritu inclaudicable de Luchas y Victorias, su Firmeza, su Coherencia, su Lealtad indoblegable, su Amor a toda prueba, a esta Nicaragua que hizo suya y que lo hizo suyo, en Caminos difíciles, pero plenos; complejos, pero vitales; duros, pero llenos de Pueblo, este Pueblo que hoy lo despide, lo despedimos, con Respeto, Reconocimiento e Infinito Cariño.

Nos abrazamos con Pilar, su esposa, con sus hij@s, Patricio y Familia, Paul Daniel, Bárbara y Mayra Paola Oquist, y como Creyentes, como Cristianos, como Gente de Fé y de Esperanza, sabemos que nos reunirá el Amor.

Vivimos, en el Espíritu, la Certeza de todos los Amaneceres que vendrán, en este Plano, para seguir haciendo realidad la Vida Buena, Cristiana, Socialista y Solidaria, de Justicia, Alegría, Hermandad y Paz.

Managua, 13 de Abril, 2021


Daniel Ortega    Rosario Murillo 




Press release

Today our Dear Comrade, Dr. Paul Oquist Kelly, who served the People, the Families and all Nicaraguans with indefatigable Love, Faithfulness, Commitment and Courage, has made the journey to the House of the Lord.

We celebrate the Life of Paul with gratitude to the Lord, because he allowed us to count on his Special Intelligence, his Fraternal Vision, his Proposals for Justice and Rights for our People and for the Peoples of the World; with his insurmountable understanding of International Relations, of those Organizations which he knew so well, and with those of us with whom he related in such a profound and extraordinary manner.

We celebrate the Life and Example of Paul, knowing that he leaves us his Strength, his Energy, his unwavering Spirit of Struggles and Victories, his Determination, his Coherence, his Unyielding Loyalty, his Unfailing Love for this Nicaragua, that made him his own and that he made his own, upon paths, difficult at times, but also complete, vital, tough, full of People, the People that today bid him farewell; we say goodbye with respect, recognition and infinite affection.

We embrace Pilar, his wife, with their children, Patricio and Family, Paul Daniel, Bárbara and Mayra Paola Oquist, and as Believers, as Christians, as People of Faith and Hope, we know that Love will bring us together.

We live, in Our Spirit, with the Certainty of all the Dawns that are to come on this Plane of Life, that we will continue making a reality the Good Life of Socialism and Christian Solidarity, of Justice, Joy, Brotherhood and Peace.

Managua, April 13, 2021

Daniel Ortega     Rosario Murillo
